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Web Design

Hero right graphic

Made discord server.

Tyler was very helpful and quick in aiding me in creating a discord server for commotions.

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10 hours ago
In person

Destiny 2 ML (Zenith AI)

Very nice Team! 10/10 Works 100%

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14 hours ago
Discord (Direct messages)

Hired Developer

Seriously the best developer I've ever had! Quick, easy to work with, and helped solve problems and workarounds for plugins that weren't his fault for being messy. Seriously the best!

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19 hours ago
Discord (Direct messages)

DEV for my server

he was a good dev for my discord server of 4,000 members and had no bullshit all work never had a single problem and no drama he was awesome to work with and i look forward to adding him to the team full time in the future

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2 days ago
Discord (Direct messages)

Great service!

Great freelancer! Did exactly as I asked

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2 days ago

Not sure

This work was great and I vouch for him, fast and quick services, he is also a good friend and all. 100% hire him

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3 days ago


This person Does well for his work, And respectful

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3 days ago

Managed assets, resold an item and also set me up a website all for a really good price!

Vivian is an incredibly trustworthy and capable person. She built me a perfect website for $50, addressing all my needs promptly. She also managed all my assets generating 130$ profit this bull run, worked closely and generated over $500 in profits in a very short period of time. Despite time zone issues, he delivered. He also sold a royal oak G-Shock watch worth 110$, earning a $20 commission. Highly recommend for web design, advice in all areas of business, finance and management and I recommend him as a sales guy as well. Thank you cipher and I wish you the best in your future endeavours.

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3 days ago

Minecraft Integrated website

What can i say this guy skills is wild! Created me an amazing website and integrated it well with our minecraft server. I cant recommend his services enough!

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5 days ago
Discord (Direct messages)

Awesome work

Thank you so much, Dori was very attentive and made some great art.

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Programming Inquiries

Very accommodating, knowledgeable, and easy to approach.

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Website Development

This user is approachable and easy to rich out

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Discord (Direct messages)

Used their sys admin service.

User got their work done, but had some flaws. Extremely rude, would take awhile to reply, and removed access to infrastructure updates and announcements without any reason

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Discord (Direct messages)

Contracted Website Development

I have had the pleasure of being Mycri's contract website developer for the last year or so. Mycri is extremely friendly, professional and a genuine person in the industry. Prompt communication and payment with no hassle. I look forward to the success of our continued partnership.

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Discord (Direct messages)

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5/5 rating


5/5 rating

Startup Stash

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Freelance Artist

Laptop on desk

Undeniable value

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  user: {
    id : "7e52da00-5e8d-4c1d-9959-5243a13e3043",
    displayname : "Vouchley Org!",
    username: "Vouchley",
    title: "Official account of Vouchley",
    average_rating: "5.0",
    discord_id: "1087356895402143844"
    avatar_url: "",
    reviews: [
        id: "86ba9155-5656-46fc-a5a3-a46cf6b00023",
        receiver: { ... },
        sender: { ... },
        rating: 5,
        message: "User was very informative about some questions I've had with web development, and user was quick to fix any issues/suggestions I had!",
        time_sent: "2023-08-10T19:21:44.505711+00:00",
        platform: "Discord (Direct messages)"
        product: "Website Development",
        id: "19fe4349-628d-4118-aae9-6555b9964d9b",
        receiver: { ... },
        sender: { ... },
        rating: 5,
        message: "Created me the website for my company, and it looks amazing!",
        time_sent: "2023-08-12T16:11:24.45609+00:00",
        platform: "Discord (Direct messages)",
        product: null,
  error: null